David Morse
Minister of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 698
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2T9
Dear Minister David Morse,
You have asked to hear from Nova Scotians with regard to the moratorium on uranium exploration and mining. My response is a very strong urging that the de facto moratorium be continued and that a bill be introduced in the legislature to make the moratorium permanent.
Although I object to the use of uranium for nuclear bombs, depleted uranium and nuclear power, my opposition to uranium mining in Nova Scotia is based primarily on the serious environmental health hazards of uranium mining. The massive amounts of tailings produced can remain radioactive for up to 400,000 years, and continually produce radon gas, which can travel up to 1000 miles before becoming inert. While radon gas gives off only low-level radiation, there is much scientific evidence that increased incidence of cancer, leukemia and birth defects is due to the cumulative effects of low-level radiation. Despite claims that uranium is being mined safely in Canada and around the world, safe storage of tailings has never been achieved. There has never been a mining tailing pond that didn’t eventually leak or spill. This would cause radioactive contamination of our water table and rivers. With our present rate of cancer reaching epidemic proportions, the last thing we need is radioactive waste stockpiled in our woods and valleys.
For the sake of present and future generations, I urge your government to support a permanent moratorium.